"你好/NiHao" is the most important welcome phrase in Mandarin; it is also the name of the hostel and it's shop. And, it's a name of group of people who are genuine, decent, and always keen to help. We believed these words described not only in all our operations but also shown the natures of people in Taiwan .
HELLO NiHao你好!你好是中文中最重要的歡迎及招呼語,我們使用它向全世界的朋友打招呼。它也是我們旅宿系統與團隊的名字,代表著我們的行為準則:真誠且正直,熱衷助人的價值觀,這些特質不但代表著台灣人的友好天性,更是四海皆準的普世價值。
Cultural exchange, enviormental sustainbility, low energy comsuption yet high quality of life, and helping each others are the major action codes while we operate NiHao.